Restroom Floor Repairs – A Dirty Job Gone Right
Using FLEXKIT 5 to create flow, eliminate deterioration created by body fluids and ensure longevity.
Clark County Parks and Recreation Department in Nevada needed a material that they could place on the floors of the public restrooms of their outdoor parks. Over the years, several of the prefabricated restroom buildings had settled to the point that maintenance workers could no longer properly clean the restrooms. The cleaning solutions mixed with water would not flow to the drains, leaving puddles of dirty water throughout the structures. This was unsanitary and unsafe, as it created slip hazards, as well as a public health hazard with the stagnant, dirty water within the restrooms. Temperatures in Clark County Nevada can reach lows in the high teens and highs as upwards of 115℉, causing concrete to move (expand and contract). This continuous movement adds to the structure’s settling issue. Another issue is the abuse caused by transients that use the buildings as shelters. We found feces, urine, vomit and dead animals within these structures, all causing deterioration and staining of the concrete floors.
Research was performed by the manufacturer of the structures to find a material that could remedy the many issues at hand. Their search brought them to FLEXKIT 5. FLEXKIT 5 an extremely versatile thermal cure vinyl polymer with extremely strong adhesion to the point of concrete failure, compressive strength to 12,000 psi and unaffected by body fluids. It will withstand years of constant contact with liquid chlorine, muriatic acid and all other cleaning substances. Its ability to elongate and compress allows it to follow the concrete as it moves. Its ease of use and the fact that it is 100% solid with zero VOCs makes it an easy choice.
The manufacturer chose a contractor to perform the needed repairs. FLEXKIT 5 and supporting materials were supplied by JES Supply Company based in Las Vegas, Nevada, that serves the Southwest United States. With guidance and instruction from the JES Supply staff, the contractor began their work. They used a laser level to determine a level line along the interior walls of the structure and cut wedge-shaped forms running from the walls to the drains, every three feet. These forms were cut anywhere from an inch and a half high to a feathered edge.
Their plan was to install the FLEXKIT 5 material in every other formed area and allow the material to cure, then strip the forms and fill in between the two poured sections. This approach worked flawlessly, and FLEXKIT 5 was the perfect material for this type of application. The ability of FLEXKIT 5 to bond to itself even if the one side has fully cured and its ability to be finished to a feathered edge made the installation a breeze to perform. FLEXKIT 5 was applied to both the interior floor and the exterior landing. Then, a sealer coat of JES Seal was applied as an added protective barrier. The repair was a complete success for the contractor and the County Officials were extremely impressed with the floor, as well as FLEXKIT 5 products.
Author: Ed McSwain
Ed has been involved in the underground utilities industry for the past 41 years, 28 years as a General Contractor specializing in the installation of all underground systems throughout the Southwest United States. In the last 8 years, Mr. McSwain has ventured into the concrete coatings industry, supplying contractors with products used to repair and preserve concrete both above and below ground.