
FLEXKIT is a concrete repair system contained within a 5-gallon pail and comes in three sizes: 16 oz., 32 oz., and 64 oz. Each FLEXKIT comes with the appropriate amount of dry sand to yield 3.5 times the amount of product listed on the kit. All products and supplies are shipped in a highly protective, 5-gallon metal pail which can be used for mixing.

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JES Primer 100, when used with FLEXKIT, penetrates the concrete and blocks moisture, can be used over “green concrete,” and seals the corrosion of rusty rebar and steel. It’s packaged in 2 gallon, 2 quart and 12 oz. kits.

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JES X allows FLEXKIT to set up as quickly as 5 minutes in moderate weather, and also allows FLEXKIT to be used in temperatures far below 0°F.

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JES Seal is an advanced, aqueous copolymer. It is used as a final seal coat on broadcast systems, over other coatings, such as epoxies, urethanes, etc., to enhance the color and provide gloss for stone, wood and masonry products, and as a clear sealer for stamped concrete, epoxy stone and other decorative systems. JES Seal may be used on masonry products, wood, steel, fiberglass, plastic, and FLEXKIT.

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JES Phalt is a rapid-cure asphalt repair system. It can be installed in deep holes or troweled out to a feathered edge. A 5-gallon kit includes pre-measured amounts of both A and B polymers and the proper amount of aggregate for your quick repair. An accelerator can be used for cold weather applications.

JES Fumed is packaged in a 10# bag, and is used with FLEXKIT for vertical and overhead repairs. Consult with JES Supply Company to determine requirements.

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Fumed Silica